Departure Instructions

  • Please make sure all furniture, knickknacks, and pillows are in their original places. If cleaning crew must put them back, there will be a deduction from your security deposit.
  • Please check all closets and cupboards for your personal belongings. If you put something of ours in a closet, please bring it out so we do not think it went missing.
  • Empty all trash cans in bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens.
  • Throw away all opened food and take it out to outside to the main trashcans on the side of the house.
  • Strip all beds, take sheets, and dirty towels to the laundry room. Please do not remove the mattress covers or comforters.
  • Start sheets, please do not put more than 3 sets of sheets in the same load.
  • Put all dirty dishes in the dishwasher and turn it on.
  • Put the thermostats back to 76 degrees.
  • Turn off all lights and fans.
  • Make sure all doors and windows are locked and place key (If Applicable) back in the lockbox.
  • Thank you for your cooperation and we hope you enjoyed your stay!

Have a safe trip home! Contact us today!